About ExAssess
ExAssess helps organizations to implement Vtest English Assessment solutions from A to Z
As an official distributor of the Burlington Vtest suite of products for Adults and Young Learners, ExAssess provides its Partners and Customers with guidance, training, project management, and support.
VTest exclusive services
Providing access to the Vtest platform and customer support
Our services include:
Choosing the right platform implementation
Designing appropriate settings
Organizing online training for the platform Managers and On-Site sessions supervisors
Selecting the appropriate product and test administration mode

VTest project support
Providing customer excellence
Our services include:​
Supporting project implementation for high-volume or custom needs
Managing day-to-day customer success
Providing dedicated group reports and voucher distribution
Helping with marketing, brochures, and flyers
Monitoring of test consumption, invoicing and statistics
Get your VTest results directly in your CRM with our user-friendly API integration